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A Funny Taiwanese Couple Parodied the “Follow Me To” Craze and It’s Absolutely Hilarious





A few months back, Instagram user @muradosmann‘s “Follow Me To” project went viral, what with the mysterious lady holding the photographer’s hand and leading him to the lovely scenery in front of them. The beauty of the place and the sense of adventure hooked and enchanted thousands of Instagram users worldwide, earning the account millions of followers.

Murad Osmann’s account was the inspiration of this Taiwanese couple for their own project.

Murad Osmann popularized the viral “Follow Me to” project on Instagram

Source: Murad Osmann

In a recent holiday spent in Hawaii, Forrest Lu and Agnes Chien recreated the famous “follow me to” pose but with a twist. Instead of holding Forrest’s hand, Agnes can be seen dragging Forrest around by his hair, ears, and nostrils. Definitely not your typical romantic souvenir photos!


I bet their memories of these places will last them a lifetime!

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