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Top 12 Parenting Mistakes You Might Not Be Aware Of That Have Negative Impact On Kids




#3. Over-praising your children

#3. Over-praising your children

If you constantly and overly praising your child with words like "you are the best", "you're a genius" or "you can reach anything you desire" chances are your child will end up not working hard.

They may get over confident if they got raised in that manner. It is important as a child to feel the need to strive and work hard and fulfill a goal. In this approach of parenting, your child will feel the difficulties of childhood struggles like being on top of the class or simply passing a difficult exam but after achieving a good result, they will feel the glory of hard earned success.

Children must be praised and be encouraged but also expose them to reality that life is hard work, do not make them believe that life is a breeze and a fairy tale. If they have done something good, praise them well. If they lacked or failed on something, discuss as well as motivate them to work harder and ask them to try again.

#4. Assuming a bad behavior from your children

#4. Assuming a bad behavior from your children

The opposite of praising is criticism and worse if you will assume something that is not done by your child. It is like blaming them for something they did not do. Words such as "you failed your exam didn't you?", "did you steal money from my pocket?" “You never get things done properly, you are hopeless!” or "why are you so stupid?" are very destructive to a child. Let me remind you that there is a long list of negative words that you might be telling your child unintentionally.

Using those mentioned above will not help them become better. Rather it will be implanted in their mind and unconsciously they may or will do what you tell them or accuse them of.

These awful words will wound their hearts and mind and will have an effect to their self esteem, self respect and confidence. They will not forget about these criticisms. Remember, parents’ role is to build and boost their children’s good character and not break them.

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