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Cool T-Shirt Lets You Communicate in Any Country Even If You Don’t Speak Its Language





Traveling is always exciting. You get to see new places, make new friends, and – of course, my favorite – discover new food.

One of the constant challenges for most tourists, however, is communication – particularly if you are traveling to a foreign country with a different language. The struggle is real, as they say on the interwebs, and it can really be a difficult situation since learning even the basics of a new language isn’t exactly a walk in the park.

So in most cases, tourists can only hope that people in the place can at least understand their native language.

Or you can just pick up this insanely cool and helpful IconSpeak shirt.

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Source: IconSpeak
It features 40 helpful icons you can easily use to overcome language barrier.

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Source: IconSpeak
Wearing this can be a big advantage if you are a tourist in a foreign country.

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Source: IconSpeak

Created by three genius Swiss “pen pushers,” this awesome shirt brilliantly utilizes 40 universal icons you can us if you want to order a coffee, use a bathroom, or maybe seek immediate medical assistance.

Simply put, this is can be an effective solution to the language barrier problem.

Communicating with locals will be much easier when you put this on.

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Source: IconSpeak
You can use a combination of icons to convey your message.

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Source: IconSpeak
Finding a place to stay at night, for example, doesn’t have to be a struggle.

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Source: IconSpeak

The trio came up with the idea after having a tough time while on a vacation in Vietnam. According to them:

“Many times we were confronted with a language barrier that was only to be overcome by drawing signs, symbols or icons on a piece of paper, map, or into the dirt.

We thought it would be great to have an essential set of icons with you, permanently, so that you could just point on whatever you need – and people would understand. Soon the notepad was pulled out again and we started listing more or less essential icons that would have been of great help during not just ours, but basically anyone’s trip.”

The result, needless to say, was a stroke of genius.

Want to order some spicy food at a restaurant? Not a problem!

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Source: IconSpeak
Life will be much easier and your vacation will be more enjoyable.

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Source: IconSpeak

If you are a frequent traveler and you think you need this shirt in your life, go visit the official IconSpeak website for more info.

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