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8 Health Warning Signs Every Woman in Her 20s Should Watch Out For





To some, being in your 20s might seem quite too young to be worrying about health. You’ve got your whole life ahead of you along with the energy to do pretty much whatever you want.

But it’s important that you maintain a healthy lifestyle during this age because it’s those habits you cultivate that are likely to stick with you for the rest of your life. And it’s not just exercising and dieting that you should maintain, we’re talking about regular appointments with your physician as well.

These are some warning signs that, if you don’t address them as early as now, can lead to bigger problems as you get older.

1. Changing moles.

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Any mole that stands out and has changed in size, shape, or color should be checked regularly by you and by your doctor. You never know if these moles might be hiding bigger skin issues.

2. Social withdrawal and mood swings.

There are many different mental health symptoms that can show up only when you’re in your 20s such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depressive disorder, even more so if there’s a history of these disorders in your family. If you feel like you’re starting to withdraw from people and experience drastic mood swings, it’s a sign that you should consult a mental health professional just to be sure.

3. Always feeling exhausted or cold.

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A thyroid condition often remains hard to detect unless you actually get checked for it or if you feel drastic changes in your body (like extreme weight loss or gain, hair loss, etc.). Some symptoms of a thyroid condition that many women dismiss are always feeling tired or often feeling like your toes and fingertips are cold.

4. Changes in your breasts.

Source: DrNorthup

Women’s breasts often change in size or experience pain throughout the course of ovulation. However, the changes you should be looking out for are lumps, swelling, redness, or nipple pain. Learn how to perform a breast check on yourself. If you do notice anything weird, consult a doctor because these changes might be indications of possible breast cancer in the future.

5. Frequent headaches

Headaches caused by dizziness, stress, and other external factors are normal. However, headaches that pop up out of the blue and are severely painful could be an indication of an infection, hemorrhage, or bleeding in the brain.

6. Pain in the pelvis.

Even if you think they’re just menstrual cramps, you should still check with a doctor if other factors are involved. Any anomalies found in your pelvic region can severely affect your ability to have children or produce hormones your body needs.

7. Itching or pain during urination and vaginal discharge.

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If you’re sexually active, any strange odors or discharge can be a sign of a infection. It’s important that any STDs be diagnosed and treated early on in case they cause fertility issues later on. As for any itching or pain during urination, this can be a urinary tract infection, which is fairly common among women but must still be treated with medication.

8. Extreme fatigue.

Source: Getty Images

While you might attribute your fatigue to a busy lifestyle and lack of sleep, it may still be a sign of anemia. Fatigue can also be due to a lack of physical activity, malnutrition, anxiety, depression, and more, so it’s important to get a health professional to find the root of the problem.

While it may seem paranoid to get checked for every little thing you experience, keep in mind that it’s better to know for sure if what you’re experiencing points to a bigger health issue.

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