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19 Impressive Examples of Perfect Service





To compete successfully today, a company must offer not only perfect quality goods with a choice of selection, but also have ideal service preferably guaranteed. While others have made an effort to make things easier and better for their clients, some just take things to the next level.

Excellent service is different from company to company and determining the perfect quality is difficult. However, there are a few examples of perfect service that can move anyone. Check out 19 of them below.

1. A swing for wheelchair-bound people.

2. This cart has a charging station for your phone.

3. This map on the cart lets you find the things you need without spending useless hours looking for them.
4. This perforated pizza box can turn into plates for individual slices.

5. This veterinary clinic has different entrances for cats and dogs.

6. A super easy way to open a coconut.

7. “As a father with a young daughter I really appreciate this being a thing, thank you Brookfield Zoo!”

8. A spot for kids who wants to see the fun way pizza is created.

9. This clever pizza box doubles as your snack table.

10. These painted lines on the wall allows you to park perfectly.

11. Some dogs get jobs at libraries, listening intently to kids as they practice reading.

12. Cashier with color codes.

Green = 0-1 customers waiting
Yellow = 1-2 customers waiting
Orange = 2+ customers waiting.

13. This way, you’ll never get confused which part comes first.

14. Free food and water for dogs.

15. Interesting facts for you to read in the restroom.

16. A sticker that provides you the color for “best taste.”

17. A fun elevator ride.

18. These accessories are 3D-printed, allowing customers to see if they have the right size.

19. This local thrift bookshop used books to create a reading nook.

Which one is your favorite? Let us know in the comments section below!

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