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Tourist Who Teased a Bear With Food Gets Mauled in Front of Horrified Onlookers





This tourist may not know this one golden rule: “never taunts a hungry bear or you are likely to get hurt.

A male vacationist in Thailand visited Wat Luang Phor Lamai temple in rural Phetchabun province, where individuals are asked to feed the bears, other wild animals, being raised by the monks.

"Never taunts a hungry bear"

Naiphum Promratee, 36 years old, started toying the hungry bear by poking and hung bowls of rice through a rope into the bear’s enclosed playing ground.

But Promratee angered the bear, stood in its hind legs, and dragged him inside his cage, knocking him unconsciously and tried tearing off his flesh.

Naiphum Promratee angered the bear, pulled him in, and tried to peel his flesh off

Source: Dailymail

“The man had gone to the temple with our or five friends and he was toying with the bear…the bear attacked him and pulled him in,” the staff from emergency services said.

In a gory and horrifying footage, showed Promratee’s friends were trying to scare away the bear by splashing the animal with cold water and poking it with metal stick, to leave the man alone.

His friends trying to save his life by throwing cold water to the hungry bear

Source: Dailymail
…and even poked the bear with a metal stick

Source: Dailymail

Promratee’s friends started crying when the bear continued to bite his flesh trying to tear him apart.

The bear then pull his defenseless body to his cage and continue to bite and peel his skin off.

The hungry bear trying to pull Promratee to his cage

Source: Dailymail
Friends started crying as Promratee's defenseless body being pulled by a hungry bear to its cage

Source: Dailymail

One female from the group then bravely went inside the cage and hit the bear with a pole while Promratee’s friends rescued him.

Source: Dailymail

The KhonKhao Koo Pai rescue service arrived and rushed the bloodied tourist to the nearest hospital.

“We received a report of a bear attack at 11:00 am…he was lucky to survive and he is in the hospital now and able to talk,” the rescue service staff said.

The rescue team pulls the unconscious tourist

Source: Dailymail
Rescue team and Promratee's bloody bod

Source: Viral Press
He was rescued one-hour after his friends reported his unfortunate fate

Source: Viral Press

The monks are keeping two dozens of wild boars and a bear inside a separate enclosure cage where they encourage their guests to feed the animals.

A Monk and the head of the temple admitted in a report that majority of the animals that they are taking care of were “hungry” because they failed to give them enough food.

Thai Buddhist Monks

Source: AP

The temple has been making an appeal to the public and even tourists to give donations so they can feed the animals.

Mail Online quoted a spokesman for people for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and warned that: “if you taunt a hungry bear, you’re likely to get hurt”.

“Bears are powerful predators who, in the wild, spend most of their time foraging and exploring home ranges that nay cover thousands of miles, and smart people respect them enough to leave the alone,” PETA stated.

Naturally, bears suffer “immensely” when they are trapped in a cage away from the wilds and left with nothing to do but walk back and forth in its enclosed ground and beg for food.

“While this man got away his life, bears around the world will continue ti live and die in misery as long as humans still incarcerate animals in the name of entertainment,” PETA stated.

Naiphum Promratee, 36 years old, is now in a stable condition

Source: Viral Press
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