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Getting High With Scorpions Is Apparently A Thing In Pakistan





Most people fear scorpions due to their venomous nature, but in some parts of the world, these arachnids are eaten and even smoked. In China, scorpions are a popular delicacy cooked in different ways. But in some parts in the South Asian region, people are known to smoke them.

You may think it’s utterly bizarre, but it’s a thing in different parts of Pakistan. Apparently, the arachnid’s venom can make a person high, ultimately making them addicted to the substance.

You might wonder how someone can smoke this creature. Apparently, the dead critter will be dried out in the sun for hours; there’s also the direct way of burning it alive on coal until it dies. The smoker then lights the dead arachnid on fire and starts to inhale the smoke.


Source: Suburra

Most smokers who are already addicted to scorpion smoke will always go for the tail since it contains the venom. In this case, they would prefer crushing the dried tail and smoke it with tobacco and hashish.

What are the effects of smoking dried scorpions or its tail? Sociologist David MacDonald describes how scorpion smoking affects an individual in his 2007 book titled “Drugs in Afghanistan.” MacDonald talked to a friend who witnessed the effects stating that it was “instantaneous.” A smoker’s face will immediately turn red – much faster compared to an individual who smokes hashish.

The high from smoking scorpions would last 10 hours.

The person would also appear intoxicated, yet still very much alert and awake. However, if that individual stands up from his sitting position, he would stumble and trip. The author also described that the smoke had a “sweeter” taste compared to hashish, but is foul-smelling. It was also mentioned that a smoker’s high would typically last ten hours.

It’s frightening to even think that –as described – the first six hours or the adjustment phase is painful. Eventually, the pain decreases putting the person in a pleasurable state.

Smoking scorpions may be a cheap way to achieve a euphoric state, but just like in the case of illicit drugs, it has a lasting negative effect on the human brain and overall mental health.

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