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Images From the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Zone Show Nature Reclaiming What’s Hers





The previously well-maintained surrounding plant-life and vegetation have since started creeping up on what was once bustling civilization, swallowing housing, commerce, transportation, and everything else that was left behind when hundreds of thousands of civilians were hurriedly evacuated in the wake of the disaster.

…consumed, bit by bit…

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The streetlights still turn on at dusk, and there's no one to enjoy it but the creeping greenery…

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There are still high levels of radiation left in the area, and authorities entering the Exclusion Zone have to be fully-wrapped in radiation-repelling suits.

6.7 usV/h radiation levels at the Nuclear Exclusion Zone. Normal levels are at 0.87 mSv/a.

1014 fukushima 6

Photo credit: Arkadiusz Podniesinski
"Nuclear energy is the energy of a bright future," the sign reads.

1014 fukushima 8

However, even if man and his creations leave horrendous scars upon the earth, mother nature rushes in to heal herself, reclaiming what was once her territory, and hopefully, never giving it back again…


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H/T: Bored Panda, Wikipedia and Arkadiusz Podniesinski

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