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She Makes A Strange Goo Then Rub it All Over Her Keyboard For One Brilliant Reason





Have you ever heard of gloop? Gloop is a sticky and slimy semi liquid substance usually played by children.

If you haven’t made gloop yet, this can be a fun activity for you and your children to try but warn you, it’s a messy art work.

It has an interesting mixture and texture which children can play with, they can shape it into many forms.

This will improve their sensory skills while playing and at the same time it teaches them the concept of solid and liquid.

Children having fun while making goops.

Children having fun while making goops.

Did you know that gloop is not just for children, but for adults too. Yes, you read it right because this stuff can help us lift up dirt from hard to reach surfaces and gaps. It’s really effective!

Goops are not just for kids, but for adults too. It has special use in our home.

Goops are not just for kids, but for adults too. It has special use in our home.

How do you clean the dust and dirt in your keyboards? Many of us use spray can air cleaner to blow the grime around it or some try to wipe it with a piece of cloth or dust cleaner but still not all mess will vanish right?

Use gloops to clean hard to reach surfaces in your keyboards.

Use gloops to clean hard to reach surfaces in your keyboards.

Try using goop on your keyboards, the mess and nasty dust particles of your keyboards will gently stick to the gloop, don’t worry, the stickiness of it won’t transfer to your computer.

You can also use it to clean the sides of your stick shift.

You can also use it to clean the sides of your stick shift.

You can use this inside your car to clean the grease and dust that have accumulated on hard to reach crevices like sides of hand breaks or shift sticks.

Goops can be done in many ways and different forms.

Goops can be done in many ways and different forms.

Try making gloop at home together with your children, this will serve as your play and bonding at the same time. Anyway, you can make use of it after they are finish playing with it.

Follow These Simple DIY Steps to Make a Gloop:

Things You Will Need:

Things You Will Need:

1 measuring cup
1 cup warm water
1/2 tsp Borax Laundry Booster
1 mixing bowl
5 ounces clear or white school glue
Food Coloring You Prefer
1/2 cup water

Step 1: Make a borax mixture

Step 1: Make a borax mixture

Place ½ tsp borax laundry booster in one cup of warm water. Keep stirring until it dissolves.

Step 2: Make a glue and food coloring mixture

Step 2: Make a glue and food coloring mixture

Let your child do this since this is one of the most interesting part. Put your white glue with half a cup of warm water and then drop several food coloring on it, afterwards mix until it becomes smooth.

Step 3: Combine both mixtures.

Step 3: Combine both mixtures.

Add the borax mixture to the glue fusion. It should look and feel wet as well as goo-like.

Step 4: Knead

Step 4: Knead

Use your hands to knead the goop. Continue kneading until it is firm and dry, it’s important to get rid of extra liquid remaining in the bowl.

Step 5: Use and Preserve

Step 5: Use and Preserve

Keep the goop in a plastic container or zip lock to preserve quality.

Remember: When the goop is already full of dirt, throw it and make a new one.

Watch the Steps on How to Make Goop Without Borax Here:

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This will keep kids busy and entertained. Goops are easy to make and inexpensive. There’s so many ways to play with this, you can use glitters, glow in the dark, shaping and the most useful part is for cleaning purposes. Try it, you will surely love it.

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