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Woman Shares Her Regrets Two Years After Divorcing Her Sweet Ex-Husband





Here’s the thing we all need to realize about life: While we are all free to make choices, we often couldn’t say the same about the consequences that follow our actions. In some instances, the said consequences can be terrible and so it can lead us to feel regretful about certain decisions we’ve made.

Take it from this woman who took it upon herself to confess her experiences in a lengthy blog post published online by the GoodTimes website. By her own confession, she chose to divorce her husband and when she finally saw him again two years later, it became clear to her that it was all a big mistake.

32-year-old Xiaoyu shared how their love story began – and eventually ended.

Xiaoyu wrote:

“We first met in college and even worked at the same company. The transition between college life and adulthood was hard but we were always there for each other and that was when we fell in love.”

“Then, we moved in together to a small house. At the time, we did not have much to spend but I remembered that he was always willing to buy me anything including not eating to save up enough to buy me a new handbag.”

“I was spoiled like a princess as he did not allow me to do household chores. I was happy at that time and I felt that I had met the man that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.”

“Not long after we started dating, we got married.”

She further admitted:

“After we got married, he continued to be the best husband I had ever dreamed of. I said I didn’t want to have any children for the time being and he, despite being the only child in his family, did not hesitate to agree with me. I told him I did not want him to smoke so he never did. When I fell sick, he was the one who took care of me.”

“However, I became more and more selfish and I started to ignore his feelings. It was always my idea, my decision to the point that he could not have a say in our marriage.”

“I have always thought that him giving in to my selfish attitude was his way of loving me but I was wrong. He had his limit as well. We then got a divorce but even towards the end, he still apologized to me, saying that he was sorry for not being able to be the best husband that I wanted.”

“After the divorce, my ego told me that my former husband would come back but two years have passed and he never once called me. By this time, I realized that our chapter is over for real.”

Much to her surprise, she eventually saw him again during a party.

“One day I went to a birthday party of my friend from the college. Before the party, I went to a blind date but my date cursed loudly and I left him before I finished the coffee that I ordered earlier. At that moment, I was reminded of my former husband and how soft-spoken he was.”

“I didn’t realized that I was tearing up when suddenly a man pulled out a chair in front of me and handed me a tissue. When I looked up, I was shocked.”

“It was my former husband sitting across the table. Seeing him in front of me after two years of being separated from each other, all I wanted to do was to just hold his hand and ask for a second chance.”

But unfortunately for her, he has already moved on with his life.

“When I realized that he came to the party alone, my heart was pounding with hope. Is he still single? Do we still have a chance of getting back together? But then, his phone rang and he picked it up. “Okay, I will see you in a minute,” he told the person on the other end.“He smiled to me and told me that he had to leave before he walked out of the door. There, a beautiful woman was waiting for him and they kissed each other.”

“My heart sank at the sight of him being in love with another woman. We used to love each other but I failed to appreciate him. Now that he’s gone, I miss him.”

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