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This Mom Left Her Child Alone in The Car. What Happens Next? A LIFETIME Reminder For Everyone.





In our day-to-day activities, children occupy most of our time especially those who have kids around the house–parents taking care of them full-time and some with children to babysit. What we tend to forget though in our attempt to be more productive and multitask is the great risk of leaving our children alone and unattended.

A child choking to death after accidentally swallowing her toy, a little boy who went outside the house nearly hit by a van without his parents knowing and another terrifying scene would be a kid fighting for his life after a vehicular heatstroke. Although some are not intentional, we have to realize that a few minutes that we spare from our ever curious and hyper kids could mean a lifetime of regret.

This short film is about a familiar incident that has been and still happening in reality.


“It will just take a few minutes…”

“I’m only going in for a few things. It will just take a few minutes”. That was this mother said when she left her child alone inside the car to buy some groceries. However, the five-minute trips turn into fifteen-minute trips, and there’s always just “one more thing” to get before checking out. Until it took her quite longer than just five minutes and without her knowing, her poor child was already crying and can no longer contain the heat inside the vehicle. Some bystanders saw him but they weren’t able to do anything and left instead. What happened next is totally tragic.

Watch the heartbreaking video:

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“Putting it bluntly, leaving your child in a hot car is like leaving your child in a lit oven,” “The most important thing to know is that it does not have to be brutally hot outside for it to be brutally hot inside the car.” –Dr. Nick Jouriles

A lifetime reminder to everyone with kids. Let’s help save lives especially the children’s and prevent these vehicular heatstroke tragedies. Don’t forget to SHARE this video to help spread awareness.

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