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Homeless Cat Finally Opens His Eyes And Stuns Everyone





Cats are such graceful independent creatures, and they very rarely express any needy traits. But occasionally you encounter cats who really need help, like this homeless cat named Cotton.

Cotton was living in the streets alone and just like everyone who calls it home, the streets had no mercy on him. Starving, disease-ridden, and his eyes were being eaten alive by mites. Basically, with all the scab in his eyes, it was impossible for the poor car to find food.

Fortunately, the founder of Animal Friends Project Inc. Carmen Weinberg came to his rescue. She discovered Cotton was a stray on the streets of Florida. He was blind and desperately hungry.

Without hesitation, Carmen immediately took Cotton under her care.

She said:

“He couldn’t even see or open his eyes because the mites were so bad. It must have been so scary for him out there not being able to see. He was all alone and so skinny because he couldn’t find food.”

Carmen cleaned him up and fed him to restore his lost energy. More than that, she also treated his mange with creams and various medicines.

As Cotton started to get better, he was able to open his eyes, a surprise that Carmen could never have prepared herself for.

Apparently, the cat had one blue eye and one hazel eye!

She said:

“We thought he was blind, and that he would be blind forever. The vet thought that even when his eyes recovered, they might be damaged, but they weren’t. It was such a wonderful surprise. His eyes were just beautiful.”

The bond between Carmen and Cotton grew strong that she eventually decided to adopt him even though there were a lot of people who wanted to take him home.

“We got so many applications for him due to his looks, but in the end, I saw how attached to me he had become. I didn’t have the heart to put him through another big change. He had already been through so much.”

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