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5 Accurate Illustrations Showing the Different Stages People Encounter In Every Single Job





Remember when you first saw that job vacancy, and your heart fluttered? With high hopes, you didn’t mind the rigorous application process. Whatever it takes, you say. The next thing you know, it was your first day of work. Quickly, days turned into months and eventually, you start to realize that your ideals were far from reality.

Some are blessed to find the lifelong job that will make them happy and fulfilled. While others aren’t just as lucky, at least not yet. Those who are still searching and trying can surely relate to the cycle of falling in love with a job, falling out, letting go and moving on to the next, only to undergo the same cycle all over again. Here are 5 stages employees encounter in every single job (which we all hate, by the way):

#1. You find your passion and get a related job

This is the phase when you know exactly what your passion is. You know what will fuel you to keep working, to keep going despite all the challenges that may come your way. You see the direction that you want to take, and you go ahead and take a job in that field. Right on!

#2. You start positive and excited

In this phase, you are so optimistic as if nothing can burst your bubble. You are full of excitement, wanting to jump at every opportunity to achieve the goals you care about.

#3. You unmask reality

In any workplace, there are challenges. The actual situations within your workplace shatter your ideals at the onset. Uncovering the downsides, you realize that achieving your goals takes more than passion and hard work.

#4. You keep going (until you quit)

At this point, you begin pushing yourself to your limits. You find inner motivation to work beyond your call of duty for as long as you can fulfill your passion and your goals. You try to be steadfast until it becomes unbearable no more. Then you hand your resignation letter.

#5 You rekindle your passion and get a new job

This is when you convince yourself that things are going to be better the next time around. You put yourself together and renew your mindset about fulfilling your passion. You remind yourself about the limitless opportunities out there. You take the risk and try again.

Whatever our jobs may be, one thing is for sure – it’s not ‘just’ a job. We spend a big fraction of our adult life working; there is so much on the line! That is why it is important that we only invest our time and effort on what’s worthwhile. Sometimes, we just have to keep on looking. And those times that it didn’t work out, you can still emerge a winner by carrying on the valuable lessons as you move forward. After all, your success is in your hands. Your dreams, your passion – no employer can take that away from you.

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