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20 #ImDumb Tweets Guaranteed To Crack You Up





We’ve all done dumb things, whether we care to admit it or not. Of course, most of us would prefer to have that part of our lives kept and hidden. Why tell others about it and risk your reputation, right?

Well, you’d be surprised to know that some people on Twitter have been publicly shaming themselves by sharing their blunders using the hashtag #ImDumb.

How did this even happen, you ask? We all have TV host Jimmy Fallon to blame. On his late night show, he asked for netizens to share their #ImDumb moments and the results have been plainly hilarious.

So yes, without further ado, we bring you 20 of the funniest and dumbest tweets we’ve come across. Scroll down and have a good laugh!

#1. I can just imagine how alarmed she must have been.

#1. I can just imagine how alarmed she must have been.

#2. If he called for help, everyone would laugh at him anyway.

#2. If he called for help, everyone would laugh at him anyway.

Source: eazy
#3. Waiting in line can be annoying.

#3. Waiting in line can be annoying.

Source: Yafet G
#4. A confusing case of miscommunication.

#4. A case of miscommunication.

Source: Jill West
#5. We say “amen” to that!

#5. We say “amen” to that!

Source: emochi
#6. This “no tears” shampoo is fake.

#6. This “no tears” shampoos is fake.

Source: AL
#7. I’d say you’re lucky it was just a fart.

#7. I'd say you're lucky it was just a fart.

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