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He Used To Be Chubby Until Something Terrible Happened To His Dad





Pigging out during payday and once in a while with family and friends is okay, but to make it a habit is extremely bad for your health.

What happened to the father of Dan Wells made him realized that he has to stop doing his old bad routine.

This is Dan Wells today, physically fit and strong that no one can break his bones during a fight.

At the age of 42, Dan was able to establish his own franchise of CrossFit Horsepower perfectly situated in Los Angeles, California. This is to continue and share his inspiring journey with other people. He can do 53 pull-ups and back squat 350 squats continuously in a row.

Source: Pete Henze

Dan’s Teenage Years

Dan admits that he used to be chubby during his younger years. There were days that he sat in a cubicle for as long as 70 to 80 hours per week and he became alcoholic.

He thought it’s okay because he’s still young and doesn’t care to his health at all.

At the age of 22, he lost his father due to heart attack and that was the biggest turning point of his life. After losing his father, Dan was able to implement a healthy lifestyle to himself.

“If you don’t care about health which my dad did not, you die early and your adventure gets cut short. They days between now and that short journey kinda suck. You have low energy, you don’t feel good. It’s either to continue down that path or get my shit together pronto!”

The hotter Dan Wells in 2016

The hotter Dan Wells in 2016

Dan starts his day working out from 5 to 15 minutes every day from squats, deadlifts, shoulder presses to weighted pull-ups and cardio movement.He also said to be physically fit it has to be earned, through years and years of concerted, brutally hard work.

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