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5 Scientific Selfie Facts That You Should Know. #5 is Most Important!





4. The selfie culture has been around for a very long time!

It just didn’t exist in the form of digital photos uploaded on social media. In essence, the very popular portraits of people back in the Renaissance period are proof of humanity’s obsession with our faces. Not to mention that many known artists at that time were prone to do self-portraits. Rembrandt is one artist with a huge self-portrait obsession, Leonado da Vinci also has allegations of painting himself within the famed Mona Lisa.

So was Rembrandt also the "Father of Duckface?"


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The science behind it:
According to Psychologist Dr. Terri Apter of Cambridge University, it’s all a matter of acceptance and image control.

“It’s a kind of self-definition, we all like the idea of being sort of in control of our image and getting attention, being noticed, being part of the culture.”

And lastly, are there negative side effects to taking selfies?

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