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30 Brilliant Ideas That Should Be Applied Everywhere





Modern problems need modern solutions. With all our daily happenings, life had become much more complicated and sometimes when you happened to step out of your comfort zone, you would feel pretty hopeless.

Little tricks can be beneficial and can take away some of your everyday stress. Here are 30 brilliant ideas that should be applied everywhere.

1. A discreet way for victims to ask for help.

2. A helpful sign in the women’s bathroom.

3. “My local vet has a sign and a candle for when someone’s pet is dying.”

4. A swing for those in wheelchairs.

5. Parkin lines that go up the wall.

6. A viewer for color-blind people.

7. Elderly in Singapore san show their I.D. to be given more time to pass through pedestrian.

8. 3D printed cast .

9. Flushing the toilet using your foot.

10. made specifically for Organic chemistry.

11. “My grocery store started selling overripe, discount bananas with a recipe for banana bread on the bag.”

12. A detailed list on dish soap sticker.

13. Shopping with an option.

14. Rubic’s cube for the blind.

15. Fire evacuation plans place at the ground level when you had to crawl and find your way out.

16. The water you use for washing your hands is used to flush the toilet.

17. Maps in supermarket trolleys.

18. A dog stall outside a supermarket.

19. This flat floor is designed this way to stop people from running in the hallways.

20. A bike stand with pump.

21. Green means available and red means taken.

22. A vending machine of medicine and hygiene products.

23. Kids can shoot soap suds at the car wash.

24. A card for kids that explains they’re not lost or neglected.
25. A pizza box that can be folded and torn in half.

26. Soft barriers between parking spaces.

27. As if we need more reason to buy pizza.

28. The menu has a picture of each of the pizza sold in the establishment.

29. A mirror in front of Teacher’s counter.

30. A spot to test out your shoes.

Which of these brilliant ideas impressed you the most? Let us know in the comment section below!

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