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Massive Sinkhole Possibly Holds the Answer to Mayan Civilization’s Mysterious Demise





Named as one of the “10 most amazing places on Earth” by no less than the Discovery Channel, the “Great Blue Hole” is indeed an attractive spot that has fascinated many.

This massive submarine sinkhole is found in the center of the Lighthouse Reef in Belize. The hole itself is circular in shape and measures around 984 feet across and 407 feet deep. It is home to many different types of flora and fauna.

If the latest studies are to be believed, it looks like the Great Blue Hole may somehow be linked with the demise of the Mayan civilization. Evidences gathered attest of a drought that happened in this particular region.

Scientists claim they’ve found solid evidence related with Mayan civilization at the Great Blue Hole.

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Photo credit: Imgur

In case you’re wondering who the Mayans are, this group of people are from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and Belize. Of course, many of us may associate them with the misinterpreted “end of the world prophecy” back in 2012 (due to their Mayan calendar) but there’s definitely more to them than that. For example, Maya people have gained quite a reputation for their excellence in terms of agriculture, mathematics, and others.

Back in the latter part of the eight century, however, the Mayan civilization later saw a steady decline as majority of the inhabitants began abandoning the place. 900 A.D. marked the full collapse of their civilization.

The root cause of the decline has remained a mystery for many years but as we said earlier, the Great Blue Hole may hold the answers after all.

This huge sinkhole measures 984 feet in width and 407 feet in depth.

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Photo credit: AquaViews

Besides, scientists from Rice University and Louisiana State University believe that the collected titanium and aluminum samples from the sinkhole as well as nearby lagoons confirm that the place had its share of heavy rainfall. The shift, however, has been drastic as time passed (specifically between 800 to 1000 A.D.) which points to the possibility that the Mayans may have experienced serious drought back in the days. Making things worse, evidences also tells that a second drought may have also hit the location around 1000 to 11000 A.D.

If these evidences are proven factual, then that addresses the real reason behind the downfall of this great civilization.


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