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What Is The New “Planetary Diet” That Can Help Save Mother Earth?





Lose weight, become healthy, and at the same time, help Mother Earth. This is the new diet that the internet is talking about – the Planetary Diet.

A team of scientists from EAT developed a new diet. The researchers believe that the new diet can improve health while ensuring sustainable food production to reduce further damage to Earth.

What's wrong with our diet today? The food people consume wreaks havoc on the planet that supports life.

Source: Pixabay

The typical “western diet” consists of meat, processed food, and refined foods contribute to many chronic diseases like heart disease, obesity, cancer, mood disorders, dementia, and high blood pressure. Also, the typical diet Americans and other people across the globe consume is a big contributor to the ongoing devastation of the planet.

In fact, about 30 percent of global greenhouse emissions come from the agricultural sector, and it uses 70 percent of fresh water.

Source: Pixabay

The study, however, shows that shifting to the planetary diet can help reduce these emissions.

Published in the journal The Lancet, the study shows how important it is for people to shift right away and to modify how they grow and eat food. If this will not be done, especially considering the surging global population, many will suffer from malnutrition and preventable or chronic diseases. Also, the food supply can become scarce, leading to hunger and famine in some areas.

The concept of the planetary diet is to cut red meat, consume less sugar, and increase the intake of fruits, vegetables, and nuts.

Source: Pixabay
The diet is projected to prevent up to 11.6 million premature deaths without harming the planet.

Source: Pixabay

The scientists said in a statement:

“It is undeniable that we need to eat more fruit and vegetables, but we also need to have a much greater awareness about where our food comes from and the impact it has on the environment.

“The impact would also extend to agricultural revenues, with large drops in revenue in beef and sheep sectors and increases in revenue for fruit and vegetable sectors. While challenging, this could be supported by policies to support alternative and multi-functional land use.”

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