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Two New Math Problems Driving The Internet World Insane.





The second one is also a visual problem from a first grade student admission test for a Hong Kong elementary school. If you didn’t get the first problem right, now is your chance. Are you ready?

The second math problem is a puzzle made by British puzzle inventor David Bodycombe used in a first grade admission test for a Hong Kong elementary school.


Photo credit: The Guardian

For a moment there, I have completely lost it. So before you do too, here’s the answer. All you have to do is turn the image upside down and you will see the answer– 87. The person behind this famous visual problem is the legendary British puzzle inventor David Bodycombe.  He told The Guardian that he came up with the idea while in a car park in Portugal two decades ago and published it in a 2002 IQ puzzle book for Marks & Spencer.

Sometimes, it really pays not to overthink. Do you Agree? Share your thoughts in the comments and let your friends know about these math problems too.

H/T: The Guardian, Hello Giggles

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