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6 Dandruff ‘Facts’ You Know That Are Actually Wrong





Having dandruff can be a big hassle – it’s often itchy and irritating. Moreover, it can likewise be embarrassing since white flakes may sometimes fall off your head and straight to your shoulders.

It is often difficult to treat and, to make matters worse, there are a lot of misconceptions about dandruff out there. Here are the top 6 dandruff myths you’ve probably heard and believed.

1. Dandruff can be cured.


Source: humanhealth

This may come as a shock to some but no, dandruff cannot be cured. What you can only do with it is to try to manage it by using anti-dandruff shampoo or, for worse case scenarios, medicated shampoo.

Another thing you can do is to avoid consuming fatty foods. Instead, you should eat food filed with Vitamin B and Zinc such as bananas, chicken, eggs, oatmeal, and potatoes.

2. Dandruff is only found in the scalp.


Nope, the scalp isn’t the only place where flakes show up. You’d be surprised to know that some of them can be found on your eyebrows, forehead, or even the sides of your nose.

3. Exercising is only good for your body.


Surprise, surprise! Exercising isn’t only to keep your body fit but also to keep your scalp flake-free. Besides, physical activity promotes better blood circulation which then results to healthier skin – including your scalp.

4. The temperature has nothing to do with your dandruff.


Source: cosmopolitan

Actually, it does. A change in temperature can make scalp dryness worse. For instance, walking outdoors under the blazing sun and then suddenly going inside an air-conditioned room can actually dry your scalp.

5. Dandruff is contagious.


Of course, it isn’t. Experts tell us that dandruff flakes are merely dead skin cells and they are not contagious in any way.

6. Scratching your itchy scalp is a good idea.


We’d hate to break this with you but scratching your head actually wouldn’t help your problem. In fact, it might only embarrass you, especially when you’re in public because scratching clumps dry skin together, resulting to falling dandruff flakes.

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