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Rosehip Oil: Proven Effective Remedy For Scars, Stretchmarks, And More…





Rosehip oil has been known to be on a par with coconut oil in terms of skin care benefits. However, its benefits do not end there. In fact, it has been known as an effective healing product, having been used for centuries dating back to the time of ancient Egypt and the Mayan Empire.

In Britain during World War II, it was made into a syrup and was administered to children to protect them from infections. The syrup also provided relief from diarrhea, indigestion, and stomach and menstrual cramps.

Rosehip oil is made from Rosa aff. rubiginosa or Rosa moschata.

Source: fashionlady

But what makes rosehip oil effective? Its effectiveness can be attributed to its chemical structure. It contains essential fatty acids, including gamma linoleic acid (GLA), which can be converted by the body to substances that help reduce inflammation and cellular growth. Moreover, rosehip oil is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids which are converted to prostaglandins when absorbed in the skin, and are involved in the regeneration of cellular membrane and tissues.

Rosehip oil is particularly beneficial when applied to the skin as it contains vitamins that are also antioxidants, including vitamin C, D, E, and beta-carotene, which is a form of vitamin A. The regeneration that it causes, coupled with the high vitamin and antioxidant content that fights free radicals, greatly contributes to the oil’s anti-aging benefits.

Rosehip oil boasts five primary benefits:

Source: fashionlady
1. Anti-aging Properties

Rosehip oil has the ability to penetrate the deeper layers of the skin, thus allowing the antioxidants to fight off free radicals from within. Its vitamin A and C content help to stimulate collagen production and help to improve moisture levels, consequently reducing wrinkles and fine lines. As such, rosehip oil is a safer alternative to achieving skin rejuvenation as compared to commercially available chemicals that offer the same results.

2. Protection from Age Spots

The antioxidants present in rosehip oil can help combat free radicals that cause age spots and skin discoloration, which can result from exposure to the sun’s UV rays. The essential fatty acids and the vitamin A in rosehip oil help improve the skin’s texture and tone and reduce pigmentation. Additionally, its vitamin C content counteracts the collagen deficiency that results from excessive sun exposure.

3. Reduced Acne Scarring and Eczema Effects

The skin regeneration that rosehip oil induces helps in eliminating acne scars and in reducing the effects of eczema. The essential fatty acids present in the oil also function as emollients which allow the skin repair by enhancing its flexibility and permeability. Vitamin A also plays a role in the process as it can help improve skin tone and skin texture.

4. Boost Immune Function

Rosehip oil is rich in vitamin C, and vitamin C helps combat infections and helps boost the immune system. Thus, rosehip oil can be great in fighting off infections. Vitamin C also contributes to collagen production and aids in the iron absorption, thereby promoting red blood cell production.

5. Reducing Symptoms of Osteoarthritis

The University of Maryland recognizes the ability of rosehip oil in reducing inflammation in the body. Patients who experience symptoms of osteoarthritis may benefit from regularly drinking a cup of rosehip tea. This benefit is backed by scientific data as a study published in the Arthritis Research UK revealed that patients with osteoarthritis who took rosehip experienced reduced pain and improved joint movement as compared to those who took placebo treatment. The patients also reported a significant decrease in the use of painkillers. Also, reports have shown that adding rosehip to bath water can also help in reducing inflammation.

Rosehip oil has benefits that are more than skin-deep.

Source: Dr. Josh Axe
Here are a few tips on how to use rosehip oil:
  1. It is important to refrigerate or store rosehip oil in a cool and dark place as it is delicate and can easily go rancid.
  2. Cold-pressed rosehip oil is considered the best as it has not been altered by heat. This means that it retains high levels of nutrients.
  3. Rosehip oil is easily absorbed into the skin, being classified as a dry oil. It can be applied directly on the skin using gentle, massaging motions. It can also be included in skin concoctions.
  4. You can use rosehip oil to experiment with for homemade lotions.
  5. Rosehip oil can be applied twice a day; however, it does not offer protection against sunburn.
  6. Do not apply rosehip oil to active acne; use it only on areas with acne scars.
  7. People with oily skin must apply rosehip oil in a test area first to see if their pores will get clogged and prevent any acne flare-ups.
  8. Rosehip oil is best for normal to dry skin.

You can buy Rosehip oil here and don’t forget to share this post with your friends! Who knows, they might just benefit from using Rosehip oil!

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