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7 Scariest Discoveries Found Under People’s Beds





Aside from the closet, there’s another place in my bedroom that makes my imagination fly and wonder about what lies beneath – that area under my bed. During your idle times while you’re lying in bed, haven’t you wondered if there will come a time that you’ll take a peek underneath and discover something that will terrify the hell out of you?

These people did check out that dreaded spot and discovered stuff that scared the wits out of them, or weird stuff that they never expected to find in their lifetime.

#1. An 8-foot crocodile

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A very frightened guest discovered this big reptile under his bed at a hotel in Zimbabwe. The crocodile, which weighed 300 pounds, was on that spot all night while the clueless guest slept above.

#2. A woman high on meth


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A couple in Seattle thought that there was a ghost under their bed. They called the cops and they found something else that is perhaps more horrifying – a woman high on meth and on a rampage and she was sticking an enormous knife into the mattress. She also ransacked the couple’s apartment.

#3. A massive sinkhole


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A woman in Guatemala heard a thunderous noise and thought that a car accident happened outside her house. It turned out that the noise came from a 40-foot sinkhole that formed under her bed.

#4. Napoleon’s penis


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For real. It’s actually the not-so-well-preserved member of the emperor, which was passed from one person to another. The doctor who performed the autospy on Napoleon’s body in 1821 passed on the penis to a priest in Corsica, who kept it for around 20 years. It became a modern-day relic and went on display in Manhattan in 1927. In 1977, a urologist from New Jersey bought the piece and kept it under his bed until his death 30 years later.

#5. Escape tunnel that leads to a bar


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It was reported that an Irishman couldn’t tolerate his wife’s loud snoring because it interrupted his sleeping. His solution? Build an underground tunnel under the bed leading to the nearest pub. He did this for 15 years, from 1994. In 2009, his tunnel finally reached a broom closet in the pub. He spent another five years going to the bar via the tunnel, between 11 pm to 1 am, and have drinks while his wife is in bed.

#6. A man’s corpse


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In 2003, guests in a motel complained about a lingering foul stench in the area. It was discovered that the source of the offending smell came from a man’s corpse found underneath one of the motel’s beds.

#7. An ex-boyfriend


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A woman discovered her ex-boyfriend hiding under her bed and he’s been staying there for three days. Apparently, the ex was homeless and chose the woman’s house as his hiding place. He also used the electrical outlet under the bed to charge his mobile phones.

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