Navy Seal Shows Step-By-Step Guide On How You Can Survive Drowning
Do you think you’ll be able to survive being thrown in the sea with your hands and feet tied up? Unless you’re like the superhuman diver who can go down 20 meters in just one breath, many of us will likely respond “no” to that question. Besides, that is definitely a difficult scenario to be in.
If you ask former United States Navy Seal Clint Emerson though, he’d answer with a resounding “yes.” Furthermore, he tells us that, with adequate practice, anyone can actually do it. Needless to say, his insights are absolutely useful.
In his book entitled “100 Deadly Skills: The SEAL Operative’s Guide,” Clint Emerson shared numerous life-saving skills.
And yes, one of the chapters discusses the theoretical question we asked at the beginning of this article.
Clint wrote:
“When an operative is captured in hostile territory, the odds of survival are low.
“Instead of being taken to trial, he will likely simply be made to “disappear” — which is why operatives practice escaping while wearing undefeatable restraints on hands and feet, both in water and on land.
“Tied up, thrown into open waters, and left to drown to death, the well-trained operative still has recourse to a few skills that can help extend his life until he is found or reaches solid ground.”
According to Clint, the well-trained operative is equipped with “skills that can help extend his life.”
Clint explained further:
“When it comes to self-preservation in water, the key to survival is breath control. With the lungs full of air, the human body is buoyant — so deep breaths and quick exhales are key.
“Buoyancy in freshwater is more challenging but still achievable. Panicking, which can lead to hyperventilation, is the number-one enemy to survival.
“Restraints and body positioning may make breathing a challenge, but repositioning is always within the Nomad’s grasp. In shallow waters, use a sinking and bouncing approach (see diagram below) to travel toward shore, ricocheting off the seabed or lake floor up to the surface for an inhale.
“When facing down, whether floating in place or using a backward kicking motion to swim to shore, the operative should arch his back in order to raise his head above water.”
Check out the illustration below and see how you can do the technique:
Of course, things can be a lot tougher when you’re thrown in rough waters but despite that, Clint said you still have your chances.
“In rough seas, this may not give him enough clearance to get his head out of water. Instead, a full body rotation will allow him to take a deep breath and then continue travelling forward.”
Clearly, these are the type of information that are better to know and not need, than to need and not know.
Watch the video:
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