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Brains and Body Parts of Auschwitz Victims were Discovered in a Munich Research Lab





In a horrific twist of events, body parts and brains of gruesome Auschwitz experiments were discovered in a research lab in Munich.

The remains were discovered stored in jars after renovations were conducted at the Max Planck Psychiatric Institute in Munich, Germany. Reportedly, the remains were discovered last year but were only reported to the public now. The research institute claims that the brain samples were used by Nazi researcher Julius Hallervorden.

The Max Planck Psychiatric Institute in Munich, Germany

The Max Planck Psychiatric Institute in Munich, Germany


During the reign of terror of Nazi Germany, many Jews perished in concentration camps. Some were forced to do manual labor, while others were immediately sent to the gas chambers to their death. However, a special subset of prisoners-of-war was sent to the laboratory of Dr. Joseph Mengele, known as the infamous “Angel of Death”. These prisoners were well-fed but were subjected to various horrific experiments, ranging from vivisections to surgeries without anaesthetic.

Known as the infamous "Angel of Death", Dr. Josef Mengele escaped trial for the crimes he committed. He escaped and was only found after his death.

Known as the infamous "Angel of Death", Dr. Josef Mengele escaped trial for the crimes he committed. He escaped and was only found after his death.

Source: Daily Mail

A committee has already been established to identify the victims and investigate how they met their death.

Source: Daily Mail

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