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9 Mesmerizing Pink Lakes Across The Globe





Bodies of water are usually marked blue in a map but Mother Nature likes to pull tricks on us. Some of them she has turned pink. Awesome, right?

The presence of algae that creates carotenoids like Dunaliella salina is the cause of the change in color in lakes. Oftentimes, it changes the water into red or pink. Take a look at these pink lakes and enjoy their beauty.

1. Lake Hillier, Australia

When up in the air, it is impossible not to notice this flamboyant rose pink lake lying next to the Pacific Ocean.

The color of Lake Hillier does not change. Even if you put it in a container, it still remains the same.

2. Lake Retba, Senegal

Aka Lac Rose is found in the north the Cap Vert peninsula of Senegal, Dakar’s northeast.

An alga called Dunaliella Salina is causing the water to turn pink, and the hue becomes even more visible during the dry season.

3. Salina de Torrevieja, Spain

Declared by the World Health Organization as one of the healthiest salt lakes.

Because of its high salt quantity, you can float in this lake just like in Israel’s dead sea.

4. Hutt Lagoon, Australia

In Hutt Lagoon is where you can find the world’s largest microalgae production plant with 250 hectares of artificial ponds used to farm Dunaliella salina.

This alga is a source of ß-carotene and vitamin A and a food-coloring agent.

5. Dusty Rose Lake, Canada

Unlike other pink lakes, this one is neither salty nor does it have any algae at all. The pink color is said to come from the unusual composition of this area which is the rock flour from the glacier.

6. Pink Lake, Australia

It’s not always pink, but when it changes color, it means there is a high volume of brine shrimp and Dunaliella salina.

7. Masazirgol, Azerbaijan

The high volume of sulfate and chloride are the reason why this lake is color pink.

8. Quairading Pink Lake, Australia

There are times that one side of the lake turns dark pink while the rest remains its usual pink color.

9. Field of Pink Lakes, Australia

As can be seen in this aerial shot, each of these lakes has various pink shades due to various concentration of salt and algae.

Were you mesmerized by the wonder of nature?

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