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30 Photos Showing How Long It Took For People To Go From Skinny To Ripped





People have seen photos of awesome and inspiring weight loss transformations, hoping to encourage others that achieving your body goal is possible with determination and hard work. That’s not to say that skinny people can’t get ripped – because they can.

These 30 photos only prove that skinny people can also achieve transformations. They also show how long it took for them to get ripped.

#1. 3 years to get that

#2. 6 Months, 24 Years Old, From 137lbs To 160lbs

#3. “After having 3 surgeries, I finally got back to doing what I love… Back in the gym and playing football. One month apart”

Source: Karl Tucker
#4. “From 42 kg To 53 Kk. When I first started working out, I just transformed my obsession for food into an obsession for fitness and ‘living healthy.'”

Source: cori.mant
#5. 45 years old, father-of-three, body transformation in 3 months

#6. “From 100lbs To 140lbs In 2 Years”

Source: rchrdp305
#7. 5 years of work

#8. “I am 25 years old in the left photo, living in London, working hard and partying harder. On the right – me at the ripe young age of 33.”

#9. 3 Years

#10. 1 Year and 3 months of body transformation

#11. Took 1 year to go from 60 to 71

Source: dovahkian
#12. 3 Years to put on 12kg

#13. 4 years between these photos and nearly a 40 pound difference, all done vegan

Source: fitnika101
#14. 3 months’ work

#15. 2-year transformation beginning at 13 years old

#16. Body transformed in 3 years

#17. Got it in 4 months

#18. Hard at work for 3 years

#19. Muscles built in 3 months

#20. Week 1 vs. Week 18 Transformation

#21. 2 Years

#22. 1 Year

#23. 1 Year

#24. Weightlifting for 3 years

Source: gabbyscheyen
#25. More than 2 years

#26. Achieved it in 3 months

#27. Done it in 3 months

#28. He was 19 and after 3 years of weightlifting…

Source: piraterawrr
#29. Took him 3 months

#30. 4 years apart

Source: AdrianVahey
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