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This ’12 Signs of Bad Parenting’ Post Is Dividing Users on Facebook





Parenthood is a tricky thing. Babies do not come with manuals and so you have to figure out how to be a good parent as you go long.

Most of the time, you’ll rely on instinct and on the advices of your family, friends, or relatives. For sure, you know a parent who’s been there before and you can use his or her tips in certain things.

Other times, you may want to turn to parenthood books or, let’s face it, some stuff you see online.

While it’s true that there are a lot of helpful materials available on the web, there’s no denying that there are also plenty of stuff out there that may not really be that valuable in the long run.

Controversial Files recently shared these signs of bad parenting on their page. Although well-intentioned, the post has actually divided social media netizens who read it. So while it gained a lot of shares and likes, there’s also a lot of negative reactions on the comment section.

Go check out the photos here:

Bad Parenting #1:

bad parenting 1

Source: CureJoy
Bad Parenting #2:

bad parenting 2

Source: CureJoy
Bad Parenting #3:

bad parenting 3

Source: CureJoy
Bad Parenting #4:

bad parenting 4

Source: CureJoy
Bad Parenting #5:

bad parenting 5

Source: CureJoy
Bad Parenting #6:

bad parenting 6

Source: CureJoy
Bad Parenting #7:

bad parenting 7

Source: CureJoy
Bad Parenting #8:

bad parenting 8

Source: CureJoy
Bad Parenting #9:

bad parenting 9

Source: CureJoy
Bad Parenting #10:

bad parenting 10

Source: CureJoy
Bad Parenting #11:

bad parenting 11

Source: CureJoy
Bad Parenting #12:


Source: CureJoy

Facebook user Geoff Jones commented:

“I personally think most of these are rubbish. Categorizing all children that act in a similar fashion to the way all their parents raised them is ridiculous. The use of the word “might” insinuates it could be this or it could be 100 other reasons why they behave how they do, this is just another stick to beat parents with!”

Angel Bronson, on the other hand, attacked the poor grammar and wrote:

“If your child has poor English and grammar it may be because whoever made these bad parenting cards, has terrible English and grammar so should look and judge themselves before talking absolute crap about parents!”

Some people are really taking the post negatively and seriously but if you ask me, the messages are actually pretty simple. I think they’re merely encouraging parents to be more affectionate, do not be over-protective, do not compare your kids, and so forth.

Generalization and bad grammar aside, there’s clearly some good message in the post depending on how you read them. Or maybe that’s just me!

What do you think, guys? Leave a comment below and share with us whether you agree or disagree.

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