Categories: People

Heartbreaking Viral Photo Shows Father Saying Hello And Goodbye To Dying Newborn

A picture is indeed worth a thousand words...

Welcoming a new baby in the family is always a special moment. Besides, they are called bundles of joy for a good reason. Babies have their unique way of adding happiness and love in the home like no other.

That’s why it is extremely heartbreaking when a newborn passes away from this life very early on. Just imagine the pain and agony that parents of an infant when they learned that their baby has serious health issues and he isn’t expected to live long.

Nixon Martin Tonkin was born by caesarian section to Marty and Simone, his parents. Unfortunately, their newborn son only lived for about thirty minutes.

The problem? Little Nixon had “complications that led to his skull being fractured, leaving him with brain injuries and a fatal hemorrhage,” a Metro report tells us. .

Since the poor baby couldn’t breathe without assistance, he eventually died several minutes after the photo below was taken.

Metro likewise mentioned that it is “believed that his injuries were caused when a midwife tried to free him during birth and pushed against his head with her fingers.” An investigation about the is currently underway.

Simone Valentine, a friend of the family, began a fundraiser and posted this photo to spread awareness.

Source: via Metro

She captioned it this way:

“Meet Marty he is Nixon’s Dad – Gentle souled, Loves his Family, Is Simone’s Loving Husband, Daddy to Nixon & now sweet Knox. Strongest man I’ve met – Emotionally. Carried Nixon’s casket in at his service and how he made his legs move with the soul breaking task ahead is seriously a moment I personally Will Never Forget. He works endlessly at his family business, supports Sim, is a wonderful Dad, & to his friends a great mate. I just thought you should know a little about him & how much of a relief and load of his shoulders it will be when we hit this target and he can start to slow a little, catch his breath and let us have his back for a little.”

Needless to say, netizens across the world have felt heartbroken about the bittersweet photo where the father greeted and said farewell to his son.

Ms. Valentine ended her post with an invitation that said:

“Please Donate What You Can & SHARE far and wide. A HUGE Thank you to those who have Shared, Donated and held them in their heart… We can do this, We are doing this for a Gorgeous Family who need a hand.”

If you’re curious about donating, go to the MyCause page.

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