
6 Medical Technology Breakthroughs That Will Make You Live Longer

Advanced medical technology isn't just seen in the movies. It also happens in real life, and we have quite a…

April 29, 2016

China Funeral Home Uses 3D Printing for Damaged Body Parts of Corpses

Apparently, this is a thing now...

April 7, 2016

For Over 2 Years, This Guy Walked 500km Around Thailand For Google

Now we can check out far-flung Thailand areas on Google Street View, thanks to this guy!

April 2, 2016

Watch How 6 Tiny Robots Move A 2-Ton Car

Amazingly, the robots collectively weigh less than an apple.

March 30, 2016

DARPA Reveals Design For Their New Vertical Take-Off Aircraft

Ladies and gentlemen, the awesome X-Plane!

March 9, 2016

Awesome Stationary Bike Actually Doubles As A Washing Machine

Now, you can wash your clothes as you exercise.

March 4, 2016

This is How Much Apple Spends to Manufacture an iPhone. Unbelievable!

Many customers aren't aware of the iPhones' true retail cost.

March 3, 2016

China Is Relocating 9,000 Residents To Build World’s Largest Telescope And Look For Aliens

I know that sounds like a plot for a sci-fi movie but yes, this is happening in China right now.

February 20, 2016

5 Common Battery Charging Myths, Debunked

Is it really bad to use your phone while it's plugged in? Should you always drain your battery before charging…

January 27, 2016

Forget Waterproof Phones, This Device Charges Your Phone Battery With Water

Now you can juice up your phone battery even without a power outlet.

January 20, 2016

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