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38 Enchanting Photos of China that Will Fuel Your Wanderlust




21. Hemu village at sunset

21. Hemu village at sunset

22. One of the many Buddhist temples in rural China, where devotees travel to pray

22. One of the many Buddhist temples in rural China, where devotees travel to pray

23. The perfect curvatures of the Pearl Shoal Waterfall

23. The perfect curvatures of the Pearl Shoal Waterfall

24. A local travelling through the Li River, located in the town of Yangshuo

24. A local travelling through the Li River, located in the town of Yangshuo

25. A view of the moutain forests at the Jiu Zhai Gou Valley

25. A view of the moutain forests at the Jiu Zhai Gou Valley

26. The crescent moon lake oasis in the middle of vast desert at Dunhang

26. The crescent moon lake oasis in the middle of vast desert at Dunhang

27. The renowned Yangtze River, the longest river in Asia

27. The renowned Yangtze River, the longest river in Asia

28. The idyllic red plants surrounding the Panjin beach

28. The idyllic red plants surrounding the Panjin beach

29. The Detian falls, near the borders of China and Vietnam

29. The Detian falls, near the borders of China and Vietnam

30. The colorful yet crowded town of Larung Gar, where a community of monks and nuns reside

31. A glimpse of heaven in Zhangye

31. A glimpse of heaven in Zhangye

32. The serene rolling grasslands of Qiongkushitai

32. The serene rolling grasslands of Qiongkushitai

33. The scenic white water rivers of the Blue Moon Valley

33. The scenic white water rivers of the Blue Moon Valley

34. A beatiful view of the Great Wall of China during autumn

34. A beatiful view of the Great Wall of China during autumn

35. A lesser known view of the Great Wall of China – the edge of the wall

35. A lesser known view of the Great Wall of China - the edge of the wall

36. The eerie yet breathtaking rice terraces of Yuanyang, Yunnan

36. The eerie yet breathtaking rice terraces of Yuanyang, Yunnan

37. The bright yellow canola flower fields

37. The bright yellow canola flower fields

38. The precarious stairway on the facade of Huangshan, literally the stairway to heaven

38. The precarious stairway on the facade of Huangshan, literally the stairway to heaven

Feel like booking your ticket to China yet? These 38 photos are the perfect reasons to visit!

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