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This Groom Kissed a Woman in Front Of The Bride. Seconds Later The Bride Was in Tears!

Grab a box of tissue and try not to cry.

Wedding receptions provide a great opportunity for married couples to bond with their friends, family members, and special guests. After all the preparations leading to the event, this is the time when those that matter most to the couple are all gathered together in a single room. Usually, this part of the celebration becomes one of the main highlights of the occasion.

This reception, however, became memorable for those present because of what happened during the traditional Mother and Son dance.

When Kristeena and Luke Rheault, a couple of 8 years, finally decided to tie the knot, they knew Luke had to do the dance but were unsure how to do it. Besides, the groom’s mom suffers from ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), a disease that directly affects one’s ability to control muscles necessary for breathing, speaking, moving, and eating.

She has been wheelchair-bound for some time but during the reception, what Luke did truly moved everyone.

Luke approached his ALS-stricken mom, knelt down to her level, and “danced” with her by mildly swinging her wheelchair.

Photo credit: Kristeena Rheault
Throughout the dance, Luke kept kissing her.

Photo credit: Kristeena Rheault
Kristeena, along with many others, found it impossible to hold back their tears.

Photo credit: Kristeena Rheault
Luke’s mom also got pretty emotional, shedding tears of her own as they shared what would be their final dance.

Photo credit: Kristeena Rheault

Kristeena later uploaded the video on YouTube and said:

“This was probably the most touching moment I have ever witnessed. When my husband danced with his mother there was not a dry eye in the house.”

Luke’s mom eventually passed away but the bride said she’s happy that her husband got to share that special moment with his mother before she died.

Watch the video here – but be sure to grab a box of tissue first!

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The video was posted online last March 2015 and it has already surpassed 9 million views. Go share this touching story with your family and friends on Facebook today!


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