25 of The Creepiest Things Children Have Told Their Parents

October 29, 2016

It's the season of Halloween and it's the perfect time to read about creepy stories from the web. What makes…

12 Badass Movie ‘Facts’ Debunked

October 29, 2016

You will never see movies the same way again!

11 Life Skills That Score Awesome Career Points for your Resume

October 29, 2016

You'll be surprised at how valuable employers will find your skill set.

Tibetan Monk Shows How to Master Meditation in Seconds to Quiet Our “Monkey” Minds

October 29, 2016

It can be done anytime and anywhere…even if you only have a minute to spare.

A Thousand Japanese Soldiers Were Completely Wiped Out By Crocodiles During World War II

October 29, 2016

Refusing to surrender to the British forces, Japanese soldiers hid in the swamp not aware of the scary threat that…

That Epic Moment When US Air Force Cadets Discovered Their Janitor Was A War Hero

October 29, 2016

Not just a war hero actually but someone who received the Medal of Honor!

13 Warning Signs of Mental Illness in Children All Parents Must Be Aware Of

October 28, 2016

Some may dismiss these signs as "growing pains" or a "stage," but if your child displays these signs frequently, it…

5 Rare Yet Extremely Interesting Psychological Syndromes

October 28, 2016

The human mind is so vast and mysterious that some of its disorders seem too strange to be true... And…

Artist Dad Transforms His Kid’s Drawings Into Realistic, Creepy Photos

October 28, 2016

Check out how this cool dad recreates his son's drawings into realistically funny - and creepy - images.

Babysitter Freaks Out When She Sees Child Sleeping on Her Head

October 28, 2016

Should she call the parents or an exorcist? The Ghostbusters, perhaps?

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